- TricorBraun Catalog
- Closures
- Child Resistant
- Dispensing
- Fitment/Plug
- Non Dispensing
- 11mm CRIMP, Aluminum Non Dispensing Closure,
- 15mm Snap On, P/P Non Dispensing Closure, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 20mm Snap On, LDPE Non Dispensing Closure, Unlined
- 21mm, P/P Non Dispensing Closure, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- Continuous Thread
- P/S Continuous Thread Closure,
- 100-100 mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Dome,
- 100-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Poly Stacking Feature,
- 100-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 .035 Plain, Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp
- 100-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.035 Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 100-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs1-13/C1S Printed-Red, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 100-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Printed, Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 100-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Channel
- 100mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fsm-1 Plain, Fine Ribbed Skirt,
- 110-400, HDPE Continuous Thread Closure, FSM-1 Plain, Flat Seal, Fine Ribbed Skirt,
- 110-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Channel Plastisol Channel,
- 110-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Channel Stacking Feature,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.030 Ribbed Skirt,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F5-10.008 C1S Vented - Printed, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Foam F217, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs1-13/S70 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4 Plain, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, PS Polystyrene Foam Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, PS Polystyrene Foam Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Printed, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Printed, Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp To
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Printed, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, S70/FS5-9 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 11mm SPEC, HDPE Continuous Thread Closure, Non-Sterile,
- 11mm, P/P Coex Continuous Thread Closure,
- 120-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, P/Pe Stacking Feature,
- 120-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4/.008C1S Printed-SFYP, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top, Deep V
- 120-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Printed, Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 120-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Vinyl Stacking Feature,
- 13-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Teflon/Silic Septa,
- 13-425, P/P Continuous Thread Closure,
- 13-425, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone
- 15-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure,
- 15-415, LDPE Continuous Thread Closure, Ribbed Skirt,
- 15-415, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.040 Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 15mm SPEC, P/P Continuous Thread Closure,
- 18-400, Aluminum Continuous Thread Closure, F217
- 18-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Poly "Goodman" Litho
- 18-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined
- 18-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone Liner Seal,
- 18-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Polycone Ribbed Skirt,
- 18-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Vinyl Plain,
- 18-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 18-415, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Linerless
- 18mm SPEC, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ribbed Skirt,
- 20-400 Special, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone Ribbed Skirt,
- 20-400, Aluminum Continuous Thread Closure, .035Foam
- 20-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Pv
- 20-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 20-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 20-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217/.035 Plain, Land No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stip
- 20-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Prvtlf
- 20-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Pv
- 20-400, Urea Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Polycone Compression
- 20-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure,
- 20-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, 809 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 20-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 20-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 20-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 20-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.035 (V24) Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 20-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Foam F217, No Stacking Feature, Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top, R
- 20-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-19/S70 Plain, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 20-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Plain, Fine Ribbed Skirt,
- 20-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Pv020 (004) Plain, No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stippl
- 20-410, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone Ribbed Skirt,
- 20-415, HDPE Continuous Thread Closure, Triseal F422, Non-Sterile,
- 20-415, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Linerless Valve/Plug Non-Sterile,
- 20-415, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Linerless Valve/Plug Non-Sterile,
- 20-490, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined
- 21 P/P Continuous Thread Closure,
- 21.3mm SPEC, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Mat/Stipple Top, Single Color, Available w/ or w/o Orifice Redu
- 22-400, Aluminum Continuous Thread Closure, F217
- 22-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Pv Plain,
- 22-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 22-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 22-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone Ribbed Skirt,
- 22-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Other
- 22-400, Urea Continuous Thread Closure, Polycone
- 22-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Sg75M/.035Pulp Plain,
- 22-415, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-19 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 24-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, F217
- 24-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035/Foam Printed, No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp
- 24-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone
- 24-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone
- 24-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Polyseal
- 24-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Pv
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, .310 orificeHeat Seal No Tab, Flat Act, F
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-19 .020 Plain, Land No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/St
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-19 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-19 Plain, Land No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp T
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Pv020 (004) Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 24-414, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 24-415, HDPE Continuous Thread Closure, Sterile,
- 24-415, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Linerless Valve/Plug Non-Sterile,
- 26-103 Special, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Valve/Plug Ribbed Skirt,
- 28-400, Aluminum Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Clear Coat In and Out,
- 28-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 28-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol BPA Non-Intent,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, .035P/E Foam Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Fine Ribbed Skirt,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Ribbed Skirt,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.035/PressureSeal.020 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-19 .020 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-19 Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs319/S105 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-25 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fsm-1 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fsm-1 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fsm-1 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ispvc/Pet-U10 Plain, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam F217, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Plain, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22/F217 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone Land Ribbed Skirt,
- 28-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Polyseal Ribbed Skirt,
- 28-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 28-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035/Foam Back, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam .035 Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam 0.035", Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 28-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Sg75 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 28-415, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-19 .035Wlp Plain, Fine Ribbed Skirt,
- 28-430, Urea Continuous Thread Closure, Polycone
- 28-480, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Pv
- 28-495, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F828 Fine Ribbed Skirt,
- 28P100, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Land Ribbed Skirt,
- 33-400, Aluminum Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Clear Coat In and Out,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.035 No, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217/.035 Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, FS1-16/C1S.008 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs5-6 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Pe Foam Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Printed-SFYP, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Plain, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Printed, Land No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp T
- 33-400, P/S Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Dome, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone Ribbed Skirt,
- 33-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Polyseal
- 33-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, P/Pe
- 33-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Vinyl
- 33-430, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, F217.040 Plain,
- 33-480, Metal Continuous Thread Closure,
- 33-480, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, HSL-1 Plain, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 35.56mm SPEC Snap, P/P Continuous Thread Closure,
- 36-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 36-410, Polymer Homo Polymer 125A Continuous Thread Closure, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 36mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure,
- 38-38 mm SPEC, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Foam/Ps22 Plain,
- 38-400, Copolymer Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam .035 Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top, Heavy We
- 38-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Paf
- 38-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 38-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Poly
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.030 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.035 Vented, Land No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.035/PressureSeal.020 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple T
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.035/Ps22 .020 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.035/PS22 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.050 No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217/.035 Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217/Ps113 Printed, Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs1-19/.020Pulp Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-25 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-25 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-27 Tri-Tab, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4 Plain, Land No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp To
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4/.006 Plain, Land Pull Tab liner Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4/.006 Plain, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fsm-1 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fsm-1 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Heat Seal Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035 Printed, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035.020 Printed, Straight Sided, Smooth Skirt, Smooth
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035/Foam Printed, No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Ma
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs5-6 Printed, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hss-5.6/20 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Lift n Peel H Printed, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Lift-N-Peel Foam H.007 Printed-SFYP-, Ribbed Skirt, Smooth
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Lift-N-Peel Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Lnp Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, LNP U5 LP-H/135# Paper Land Ribbed Skirt,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam .035 (025) Plain, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/S Foam Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Pe Foam/Ps22 Plain, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, PS Polystyrene Foam Printed-SFYP, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Printed, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, PS22 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Plain, No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, PS22 Printed, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Printed-SFYP -, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22/F217 Printed, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22/F217 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, S55/Fs5-9 Tri-Tab, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Sg75 No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SG75 Plain, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Sg75m/.020" Printed, No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stip
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal & PS Polystyene Foam Prtd, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/S
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal & PS Polystyene Foam Prtd, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Tri Tab Fs1-16 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top, S105 W/FS
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, U10 LP-E Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Co-Polymer Continuous Thread Closure, Ps/Foam Land Heavy Weight, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stip
- 38-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone
- 38-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 38-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 38-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 38-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Pe
- 38-430, HDPE Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Sterile,
- 38-430, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F828/Ispe-U10 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-430, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F828/Ispe-U10 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-430, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Linerless Non-Sterile,
- 38-430, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Tri-Gard II TSPE 035 Plain, Buttress, Foam Backed Wax HS forHDP
- 38-430, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone
- 38-490, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Linerless Deep Skirt,
- 38-641, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, S70 Plain,
- 38mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ribbed Skirt,
- 40-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Sg75 Printed, Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 40-5.51 mm SPEC, ABS Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Dome,
- 43-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 43-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 43-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 43-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 43-400, P/S Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Dome, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 43-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Disc Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 43-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Pv
- 43-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, P/Pe
- 43mm, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 43mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Straight Sided,
- 45-400, P/P Braskem FT-120WV resin Continuous Thread Closure, Lnp Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Sti
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, C1S5-5PR Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4 Plain, Pulltab, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4/.006 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4/.008C1S Printed-SFYP, Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035 Printed, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035/Foam Printed, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, HSS 5.6 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ispvc/Pet-U10 (IV1) Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Lift n Peel H Printed, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Lift-N-Peel Foam H.007 Printed-Blue, Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth To
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Lift-N-Peel Printed-Blue H.007 Foam, Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Lift-N-Peel Printed-Blue H.007 Foam, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Lnp Lp-E Printed-Blue, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Printed-SFYP-Black, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 .020 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Printed, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22/F217 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22/F217 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top, RS[023/024
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 45-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Prvtlf
- 45-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Poly BPA Non-Intent,
- 45-445, P/E Continuous Thread Closure, Plain, .035 P/SG75
- 45-500, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 48-400, Aluminum Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain,
- 48-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Paf
- 48-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Poly
- 48-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 48-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 48-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 48-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Land Dome, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 48-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 48-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 48-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Foam F217, Straight Sided, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 48-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Prvtlf
- 48-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Prvtlf Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 48-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, P/Pe
- 48-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 48-485, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined
- 51-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Unishell,
- 53-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 53-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol BPA Non-Intent, 1.5",
- 53-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Poly
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, C1S5-5PR Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217/Ps22 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Foam/Ps22 Printed, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4/.006 Vented - Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4/.008 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4/.008C1S Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-9 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs5-6 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hss5.6/Foam Printed-SFYP-Red, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ispe-U10 Plain, Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Jfm Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Jfm Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/S Foam Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Plain, Fine Ribbed Skirt,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Printed, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, PS22 Plain, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22(023) Printed, Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple T
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22/F217 Printed, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Tg1 Tgspp.035 Plain, Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Land Dome, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Disc Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Prvtlf Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Pv
- 53-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, .030 F-217/PS22 Printed-SFYP-,
- 53-485, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Stacking Feature, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 58-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Alum Foil
- 58-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, P/Pe
- 58-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, P/Pe
- 58-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 58-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Button, Stack Bead,
- 58-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Stack Bead,
- 58-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Stack Bead,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.035/Ps22 .020 Printed-SFYP - Black, Smooth Skirt, Smooth To
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.040 Plain, Land Dome, Smooth Skirt,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217/Ps22 Plain, Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-19 Plain, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Pressure Seal .020 Printed-SFYP - Black, Land Smooth Skirt, Smoot
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Dome, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 58-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 58-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Disc Glued, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 58-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Prvtlf
- 58-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Stack Bead,
- 58-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Stacking Feature,
- 58-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Pv
- 58mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ss-222 Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 63-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, P/Pe
- 63-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 63-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Stack Bead,
- 63-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 63-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 63-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 63-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035 Printed, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 63-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, HS205.020/Foam Printed-SFYP, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 63-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ispp-U10 Plain, Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple
- 63-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ispp-U10 Plain, Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 63-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 63-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Disc
- 63-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Stack Bead,
- 63-485, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 63-485, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Foam/Ps Plain, Ribbed Skirt,
- 63-485, Polymer Co-Polymer Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Heavy Weight, Ribbed Skirt,
- 63-787, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Deep Skirt,
- 63-822, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Deep Skirt,
- 63mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, 29 mm orificeUnlined
- 63mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 63mm, SAN Continuous Thread Closure, Linerless
- 63mmDeep Skirt, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70 HDPE Continuous Thread Closure,
- 70 P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Gasket
- 70-400, Aluminum Continuous Thread Closure, F217/Ps22 Printed,
- 70-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, P/Pe
- 70-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Stacking Feature,
- 70-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Stacking Feature,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 .035 Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Land Dome, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Land Straight Sided, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4/.006 Vented, Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035/.020 Foam Printed, Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Sk
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, PS22 Plain, Land Dome, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Plain, Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22(023) Printed, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22(023) Printed, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Pv Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Dome, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 70-400, P/P Smooth Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035/Pulp Printed-SFYP, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Disc Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Prvtlf Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Stacking Feature,
- 70-450 GTS, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Stacking Feature, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple
- 70-450, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Button,
- 70-450, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Button,
- 70-450, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Button,
- 70-450, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Button, No Print,
- 70-450, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Button, Stack Bead,
- 70-450, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol No Button,
- 70-450, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol No Button,
- 70-450, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 70-450, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, P/Pe Stacking Feature,
- 70-450, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Button,
- 70-450, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Button,
- 70-450, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Button, Stack Bead,
- 70-450, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol No Button, Stack Bead,
- 70-450, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol No Button, Stack Bead,
- 70-450, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Stack Bead, No Button,
- 70-470, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Button,
- 70-470, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Mlt-20W Plain, Land Light Wax Deep Skirt, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/
- 70-470, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Mlt-20W Plain, Land Light Wax Deep Skirt, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/
- 70-470, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Mlt-20W Plain, Light Wax Fine Ribbed Skirt,
- 70-715, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Deep Skirt,
- 70mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Gasket
- 70Special, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Dome, Smooth Skirt,
- 70Special, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Dome, Smooth Skirt,
- 77-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Channel "Sprd The Grt Tst/Almd"
- 83-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Channel
- 83-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Channel Plastisol Channel,
- 83-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Stacking Feature,
- 83-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 83-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Vinyl Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 83-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Disc No Glue,
- 83-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Channel
- 83mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs319/S105 Tri-Tab, Ribbed Skirt,
- 89-400, Aluminum 1099 Coating Continuous Thread Closure, F217 "Therma Del Sol" Smooth,
- 89-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, P/Pe
- 89-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 89-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Channel
- 89-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Channel
- 89-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Poly
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, C1S 3-19 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top, 11.4 Gram Weigh
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, C1S5-9 Plain, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.030 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217/.035 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F5-9 Printed, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Foil #3 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Foil #3 Printed-SFF - Red, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs1-15/.020Wl Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-10 Plain, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4 Vented - Printed, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4 Vented, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-9/S70 Plain, Deep Skirt, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top, Layer Pac
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fsm-1/.020 Plain, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035 Printed, Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Pressure Seal .020 Printed, Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, PS Polystyrene Foam Printed-SFYP, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Printed, Land Straight Sided, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 .020 (023) Printed LP No Foam, Stacking Feature, Ribbed Ski
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 .020 (023) Printed, Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Printed, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Vinyl Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Sg75 Printed, Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Dome,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Dome, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Land Dome, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 89-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Disc Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Prvtlf Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Pv
- 89-400, SAN Continuous Thread Closure, Heat Seal Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Poly
- 89mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Dome,
- 96-1858, P/P Continuous Thread Closure,
- Crown
- Lug
- Multi Lead
- Smooth
- Overcap
- Tamper Evident
- Vial
- Glass Bottles & Jars
- Plastic Bottles & Jars
- Sprayers & Pumps
- Tubs & Pails
- Wine Glass
- Closures
Available in several sizes, our white plastic F217 lined caps are one of most popular closures for plastic containers. This fine ribbed cap is great for lotions, creams, soaps and cosmetics.
Overview | |
ID | 003597 |
Packaging Type | Primary Packaging. Caps, Lids |
Packaging Sub-Type | Continous Thread |
Characteristics | |
Material | Plastic. Plastic - PP |
Top Down Shape | Cross Section Circular |
Available Colors | White |
Neck | |
Neck Diameter | 20.00 mm |
Neck Height | 400.00 mm |
TricorBraun | |
Item Group | Closures |