- TricorBraun Catalog
- Closures
- Child Resistant
- Dispensing
- Fitment/Plug
- Non Dispensing
- 11mm CRIMP, Aluminum Non Dispensing Closure,
- 15mm Snap On, P/P Non Dispensing Closure, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 20mm Snap On, LDPE Non Dispensing Closure, Unlined
- 21mm, P/P Non Dispensing Closure, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- Continuous Thread
- P/S Continuous Thread Closure,
- 100-100 mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Dome,
- 100-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Poly Stacking Feature,
- 100-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 .035 Plain, Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp
- 100-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.035 Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 100-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs1-13/C1S Printed-Red, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 100-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Printed, Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 100-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Channel
- 100mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fsm-1 Plain, Fine Ribbed Skirt,
- 110-400, HDPE Continuous Thread Closure, FSM-1 Plain, Flat Seal, Fine Ribbed Skirt,
- 110-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Channel Plastisol Channel,
- 110-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Channel Stacking Feature,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.030 Ribbed Skirt,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F5-10.008 C1S Vented - Printed, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Foam F217, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs1-13/S70 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4 Plain, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, PS Polystyrene Foam Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, PS Polystyrene Foam Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Printed, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Printed, Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp To
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Printed, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, S70/FS5-9 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 110-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 11mm SPEC, HDPE Continuous Thread Closure, Non-Sterile,
- 11mm, P/P Coex Continuous Thread Closure,
- 120-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, P/Pe Stacking Feature,
- 120-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4/.008C1S Printed-SFYP, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top, Deep V
- 120-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Printed, Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 120-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Vinyl Stacking Feature,
- 13-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Teflon/Silic Septa,
- 13-425, P/P Continuous Thread Closure,
- 13-425, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone
- 15-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure,
- 15-415, LDPE Continuous Thread Closure, Ribbed Skirt,
- 15-415, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.040 Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 15mm SPEC, P/P Continuous Thread Closure,
- 18-400, Aluminum Continuous Thread Closure, F217
- 18-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Poly "Goodman" Litho
- 18-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined
- 18-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone Liner Seal,
- 18-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Polycone Ribbed Skirt,
- 18-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Vinyl Plain,
- 18-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 18-415, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Linerless
- 18mm SPEC, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ribbed Skirt,
- 20-400 Special, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone Ribbed Skirt,
- 20-400, Aluminum Continuous Thread Closure, .035Foam
- 20-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Pv
- 20-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 20-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 20-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217/.035 Plain, Land No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stip
- 20-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Prvtlf
- 20-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Pv
- 20-400, Urea Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Polycone Compression
- 20-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure,
- 20-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, 809 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 20-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 20-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 20-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 20-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.035 (V24) Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 20-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Foam F217, No Stacking Feature, Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top, R
- 20-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-19/S70 Plain, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 20-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Plain, Fine Ribbed Skirt,
- 20-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Pv020 (004) Plain, No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stippl
- 20-410, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone Ribbed Skirt,
- 20-415, HDPE Continuous Thread Closure, Triseal F422, Non-Sterile,
- 20-415, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Linerless Valve/Plug Non-Sterile,
- 20-415, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Linerless Valve/Plug Non-Sterile,
- 20-490, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined
- 21 P/P Continuous Thread Closure,
- 21.3mm SPEC, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Mat/Stipple Top, Single Color, Available w/ or w/o Orifice Redu
- 22-400, Aluminum Continuous Thread Closure, F217
- 22-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Pv Plain,
- 22-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 22-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 22-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone Ribbed Skirt,
- 22-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Other
- 22-400, Urea Continuous Thread Closure, Polycone
- 22-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Sg75M/.035Pulp Plain,
- 22-415, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-19 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 24-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, F217
- 24-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035/Foam Printed, No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp
- 24-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone
- 24-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone
- 24-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Polyseal
- 24-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Pv
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, .310 orificeHeat Seal No Tab, Flat Act, F
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-19 .020 Plain, Land No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/St
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-19 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-19 Plain, Land No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp T
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Pv020 (004) Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 24-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 24-414, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 24-415, HDPE Continuous Thread Closure, Sterile,
- 24-415, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Linerless Valve/Plug Non-Sterile,
- 26-103 Special, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Valve/Plug Ribbed Skirt,
- 28-400, Aluminum Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Clear Coat In and Out,
- 28-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 28-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol BPA Non-Intent,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, .035P/E Foam Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Fine Ribbed Skirt,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Ribbed Skirt,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.035/PressureSeal.020 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-19 .020 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-19 Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs319/S105 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-25 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fsm-1 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fsm-1 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fsm-1 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ispvc/Pet-U10 Plain, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam F217, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Plain, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22/F217 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone Land Ribbed Skirt,
- 28-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Polyseal Ribbed Skirt,
- 28-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 28-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035/Foam Back, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam .035 Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam 0.035", Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 28-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Sg75 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 28-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 28-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 28-415, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-19 .035Wlp Plain, Fine Ribbed Skirt,
- 28-430, Urea Continuous Thread Closure, Polycone
- 28-480, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Pv
- 28-495, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F828 Fine Ribbed Skirt,
- 28P100, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Land Ribbed Skirt,
- 33-400, Aluminum Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Clear Coat In and Out,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.035 No, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217/.035 Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, FS1-16/C1S.008 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs5-6 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Pe Foam Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Printed-SFYP, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Plain, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Printed, Land No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp T
- 33-400, P/S Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Dome, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 33-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone Ribbed Skirt,
- 33-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Polyseal
- 33-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, P/Pe
- 33-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Vinyl
- 33-430, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, F217.040 Plain,
- 33-480, Metal Continuous Thread Closure,
- 33-480, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, HSL-1 Plain, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 35.56mm SPEC Snap, P/P Continuous Thread Closure,
- 36-410, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 36-410, Polymer Homo Polymer 125A Continuous Thread Closure, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 36mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure,
- 38-38 mm SPEC, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Foam/Ps22 Plain,
- 38-400, Copolymer Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam .035 Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top, Heavy We
- 38-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Paf
- 38-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 38-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Poly
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.030 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.035 Vented, Land No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.035/PressureSeal.020 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple T
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.035/Ps22 .020 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.035/PS22 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.050 No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217/.035 Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217/Ps113 Printed, Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs1-19/.020Pulp Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-25 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-25 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-27 Tri-Tab, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4 Plain, Land No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp To
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4/.006 Plain, Land Pull Tab liner Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4/.006 Plain, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fsm-1 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fsm-1 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Heat Seal Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035 Printed, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035.020 Printed, Straight Sided, Smooth Skirt, Smooth
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035/Foam Printed, No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Ma
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs5-6 Printed, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hss-5.6/20 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Lift n Peel H Printed, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Lift-N-Peel Foam H.007 Printed-SFYP-, Ribbed Skirt, Smooth
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Lift-N-Peel Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Lnp Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, LNP U5 LP-H/135# Paper Land Ribbed Skirt,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam .035 (025) Plain, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/S Foam Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Pe Foam/Ps22 Plain, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, PS Polystyrene Foam Printed-SFYP, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Printed, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, PS22 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Plain, No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, PS22 Printed, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Printed-SFYP -, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22/F217 Printed, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22/F217 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, S55/Fs5-9 Tri-Tab, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Sg75 No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SG75 Plain, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Sg75m/.020" Printed, No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stip
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal & PS Polystyene Foam Prtd, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/S
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal & PS Polystyene Foam Prtd, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Tri Tab Fs1-16 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top, S105 W/FS
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, U10 LP-E Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 38-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-400, P/P Co-Polymer Continuous Thread Closure, Ps/Foam Land Heavy Weight, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stip
- 38-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone
- 38-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 38-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 38-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 38-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Pe
- 38-430, HDPE Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Sterile,
- 38-430, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F828/Ispe-U10 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-430, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F828/Ispe-U10 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 38-430, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Linerless Non-Sterile,
- 38-430, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Tri-Gard II TSPE 035 Plain, Buttress, Foam Backed Wax HS forHDP
- 38-430, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Cone
- 38-490, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Linerless Deep Skirt,
- 38-641, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, S70 Plain,
- 38mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ribbed Skirt,
- 40-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Sg75 Printed, Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 40-5.51 mm SPEC, ABS Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Dome,
- 43-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 43-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 43-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 43-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 43-400, P/S Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Dome, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 43-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Disc Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 43-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Pv
- 43-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, P/Pe
- 43mm, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 43mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Straight Sided,
- 45-400, P/P Braskem FT-120WV resin Continuous Thread Closure, Lnp Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Sti
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, C1S5-5PR Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4 Plain, Pulltab, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4/.006 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4/.008C1S Printed-SFYP, Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035 Printed, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035/Foam Printed, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, HSS 5.6 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ispvc/Pet-U10 (IV1) Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Lift n Peel H Printed, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Lift-N-Peel Foam H.007 Printed-Blue, Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth To
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Lift-N-Peel Printed-Blue H.007 Foam, Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Lift-N-Peel Printed-Blue H.007 Foam, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Lnp Lp-E Printed-Blue, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Printed-SFYP-Black, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 .020 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Printed, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22/F217 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22/F217 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top, RS[023/024
- 45-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 45-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Prvtlf
- 45-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Poly BPA Non-Intent,
- 45-445, P/E Continuous Thread Closure, Plain, .035 P/SG75
- 45-500, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 No Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 48-400, Aluminum Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain,
- 48-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Paf
- 48-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Poly
- 48-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 48-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 48-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 48-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Land Dome, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 48-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 48-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 48-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Foam F217, Straight Sided, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 48-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Prvtlf
- 48-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Prvtlf Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 48-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, P/Pe
- 48-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 48-485, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined
- 51-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Unishell,
- 53-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 53-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol BPA Non-Intent, 1.5",
- 53-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Poly
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, C1S5-5PR Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217/Ps22 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Foam/Ps22 Printed, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4/.006 Vented - Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4/.008 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4/.008C1S Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-9 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs5-6 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hss5.6/Foam Printed-SFYP-Red, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ispe-U10 Plain, Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Jfm Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Jfm Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/S Foam Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Plain, Fine Ribbed Skirt,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Printed, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, PS22 Plain, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22(023) Printed, Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple T
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22/F217 Printed, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Tg1 Tgspp.035 Plain, Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple
- 53-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Land Dome, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Disc Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Prvtlf Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 53-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Pv
- 53-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, .030 F-217/PS22 Printed-SFYP-,
- 53-485, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Stacking Feature, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 58-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Alum Foil
- 58-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, P/Pe
- 58-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, P/Pe
- 58-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 58-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Button, Stack Bead,
- 58-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Stack Bead,
- 58-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Stack Bead,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.035/Ps22 .020 Printed-SFYP - Black, Smooth Skirt, Smooth To
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.040 Plain, Land Dome, Smooth Skirt,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217/Ps22 Plain, Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs3-19 Plain, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Pressure Seal .020 Printed-SFYP - Black, Land Smooth Skirt, Smoot
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Dome, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 58-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 58-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 58-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Disc Glued, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 58-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Prvtlf
- 58-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Stack Bead,
- 58-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Stacking Feature,
- 58-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Pv
- 58mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ss-222 Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 63-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, P/Pe
- 63-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 63-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Stack Bead,
- 63-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 63-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 63-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 63-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035 Printed, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 63-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, HS205.020/Foam Printed-SFYP, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 63-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ispp-U10 Plain, Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple
- 63-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ispp-U10 Plain, Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 63-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 63-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Disc
- 63-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Stack Bead,
- 63-485, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 63-485, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Foam/Ps Plain, Ribbed Skirt,
- 63-485, Polymer Co-Polymer Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Heavy Weight, Ribbed Skirt,
- 63-787, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Deep Skirt,
- 63-822, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Deep Skirt,
- 63mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, 29 mm orificeUnlined
- 63mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 63mm, SAN Continuous Thread Closure, Linerless
- 63mmDeep Skirt, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70 HDPE Continuous Thread Closure,
- 70 P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Gasket
- 70-400, Aluminum Continuous Thread Closure, F217/Ps22 Printed,
- 70-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, P/Pe
- 70-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Stacking Feature,
- 70-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Stacking Feature,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 .035 Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Land Dome, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Land Straight Sided, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4/.006 Vented, Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035/.020 Foam Printed, Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Sk
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, PS22 Plain, Land Dome, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Plain, Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22(023) Printed, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22(023) Printed, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Pv Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Dome, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 70-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 70-400, P/P Smooth Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035/Pulp Printed-SFYP, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Disc Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Prvtlf Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 70-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Stacking Feature,
- 70-450 GTS, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Stacking Feature, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple
- 70-450, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Button,
- 70-450, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Button,
- 70-450, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Button,
- 70-450, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Button, No Print,
- 70-450, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Button, Stack Bead,
- 70-450, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol No Button,
- 70-450, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol No Button,
- 70-450, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 70-450, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, P/Pe Stacking Feature,
- 70-450, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Button,
- 70-450, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Button,
- 70-450, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Button, Stack Bead,
- 70-450, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol No Button, Stack Bead,
- 70-450, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol No Button, Stack Bead,
- 70-450, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Stack Bead, No Button,
- 70-470, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Button,
- 70-470, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Mlt-20W Plain, Land Light Wax Deep Skirt, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/
- 70-470, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Mlt-20W Plain, Land Light Wax Deep Skirt, Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/
- 70-470, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Mlt-20W Plain, Light Wax Fine Ribbed Skirt,
- 70-715, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Deep Skirt,
- 70mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Gasket
- 70Special, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Dome, Smooth Skirt,
- 70Special, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Dome, Smooth Skirt,
- 77-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Channel "Sprd The Grt Tst/Almd"
- 83-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Channel
- 83-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Channel Plastisol Channel,
- 83-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Stacking Feature,
- 83-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 83-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Vinyl Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 83-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Disc No Glue,
- 83-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Channel
- 83mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs319/S105 Tri-Tab, Ribbed Skirt,
- 89-400, Aluminum 1099 Coating Continuous Thread Closure, F217 "Therma Del Sol" Smooth,
- 89-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, P/Pe
- 89-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol
- 89-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Channel
- 89-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Plastisol Channel
- 89-400, Metal Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Poly
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, C1S 3-19 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top, 11.4 Gram Weigh
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, C1S5-9 Plain, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217 Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217.030 Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F217/.035 Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, F5-9 Printed, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Foil #3 Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Foil #3 Printed-SFF - Red, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs1-15/.020Wl Plain, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-10 Plain, Land Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4 Vented - Printed, Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-4 Vented, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fs5-9/S70 Plain, Deep Skirt, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top, Layer Pac
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Fsm-1/.020 Plain, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Hs035 Printed, Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Foam Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Pressure Seal .020 Printed, Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, PS Polystyrene Foam Printed-SFYP, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps113 Printed, Land Straight Sided, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 .020 (023) Printed LP No Foam, Stacking Feature, Ribbed Ski
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 .020 (023) Printed, Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Printed, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Ps22 Printed, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Vinyl Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Sg75 Printed, Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Land Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, SureSeal Plain, Land Fine Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Dome,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Dome, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Land Dome, Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Land Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipp Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Unlined Stacking Feature, Ribbed Skirt, Mat/Stipple Top,
- 89-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, P/E Disc Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Prvtlf Smooth Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, Phenolic Continuous Thread Closure, Pv
- 89-400, SAN Continuous Thread Closure, Heat Seal Fine Ribbed Skirt, Smooth Top,
- 89-400, Tinplate Continuous Thread Closure, Pulp/Poly
- 89mm, P/P Continuous Thread Closure, Dome,
- 96-1858, P/P Continuous Thread Closure,
- Crown
- Lug
- Multi Lead
- Smooth
- Overcap
- Tamper Evident
- Vial
- Glass Bottles & Jars
- Plastic Bottles & Jars
- Sprayers & Pumps
- Tubs & Pails
- Wine Glass
- Closures
Overview | |
ID | 008675 |
Packaging Type | Primary Packaging. Caps, Lids |
Packaging Sub-Type | Continous Thread |
Characteristics | |
Material | Glass. Metal |
Top Down Shape | Cross Section Circular |
Available Colors | White |
Neck | |
Neck Diameter | 58.00 mm |
Neck Height | 400.00 mm |
TricorBraun | |
Item Group | Closures |
Feature | Stack Bead |