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    World Star Award and Silver Award for Tubex product

    • TUBEX

    World Star Award and Silver Award in the category sustainability for aluminum aerosol can PURITY by Tubex.

    Tubex developed in 2015/2016 the first aluminum aerosol can without any lacquer or ink either on the inside or outside.

    “So far”, Leopold Werdich, Managing Director of Tubex points out, “inside and outside lacquer was required for the shaping process even for non-critical filling products.” This true innovation has won all major packaging prizes in 2016 in the industry such as the Aerosol & Dispensing Award, German Packaging Award and the Aerobal World Aluminum Aerosol Can Award.

    The winning of one of these major awards is the entry to the World Star Award. The ceremony took place in Düsseldorf on the occasion of one of the world’s major packaging trade fair, Interpack.

    The big surprise of the evening was the Special Awards in various categories such as Marketing, Sustainability and Presidents Award to name a few. Tubex was awarded the runner-up prize in the category sustainability. The WPO recognized Tubex’ innovative overall concept in aluminum aerosol can packaging, which reduces CO2 emission, solvents and energy consumption.

    Tubex managed to put their focus on sustainability and at the same time, enhanced the mechanical properties of this can, such as burst pressure.

    Every year the World Packaging Organization (WPO) honours the best packaging worldwide. This year 291 packaging solutions from around the world entered the competition. Japan and Germany took the lead in the award winning packaging with 20 and 18 World Star Awards respectively.

    • Clara Boerner
    • Product Info
    • English
    • Created 09 May 2017
    • Modified 01 Jun 2017
    • Hits 1416