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    A double win for TUBEX at the German Packaging Awards: Two entries, two wins!

    • TUBEX
    Beauty, Personal Care, Eating, Drinking, Primary Packaging, Aerosols, Aerosol Cans, Active, Smart Packaging, Sustainable Packaging, Eco-Sensitive Packaging, Metal, Metal - Aluminium, Shows, Associations, Media, Packaging Awards

    The TUBEX aluminium can manufactured with an over varnish made of pure natural ingredients won in the category Sustainability. The ingredients are biodegradable and completely free of mineral oils.

    When selecting the raw materials, the supplier and development partner PURe Inks made sure that they were mostly food grade – which means it would be possible to eat a very small portion (fingertip) of the over varnish. The over varnish, which is still in the development stage, complements the TUBEX strategy of offering customers the “Most Sustainable Aluminum Aerosol Can in the World” in a perfect way.

    In the field of decoration of aerosol cans there are also new developments.

    One of these developments – the Foil2Can prototype – won the second German Packaging Award for TUBEX in the category Design and Processing. The special feature of the aluminium can is that the decoration perfectly combines matt and gloss effects in one design. The Foil2Can aluminium aerosol can was realized in collaboration with Isimat.

    The aluminium can is pre-treated before the cold stamping foil (inLINE FOILING®) is applied to the aluminium can. The mat and colour effects are created by overprinting the foil with screen printing. The haptic effect of screen printing is in contrast to the smooth cold stamping foil (inLINE FOILING®).

    It only takes one machine pass to apply the cold stamping foil (inLINE FOILING®) and screen printing to the can. The decoration process is patented under the name inLINE FOILING® by development partner Isimat. Such high-quality decoration in mat and gloss effect was previously not possible on an aluminium can. Now brands have an excellent opportunity to attract attention on the shelf with aerosol cans decorated this way.

    The prestigious German Packaging Award was launched in 1963 and is under the patronage of Dr. Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection.

    The 38 winners of the German Packaging Prize come from 6 countries and are divided amongst all 10 categories.

    • Company News
    • English
    • Modified 23 Nov 2022
    • Hits 243