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    ULMA introduces a revolutionary application for their FLOW-VAC equipment

    • ULMA Packaging

    Using patent-pending technology, ULMA has developed a simple but brilliant solution to automate the feeding of a belt vacuum chamber on both sealing bars. Packages are sealed only on one end and prepared to be transferred to the buffering belt of the vacuum chamber with the open end facing both seal bars on the vacuum chamber.

    A 90° transfer system pairs the packages to the buffering belt of the vacuum chamber so that both seal bars can be utilized. If the products are not small enough to be paired, an auto-detect system will load the product as a single item.

    This automated system increases productivity and reduces labor costs. The packaging system is ideal for the meat and cheese industry.

    See also

    ULMA packaging’s new ‘Tight Bag’ technology will revolutionise packing across many industries

    ULMA Packaging Ltd has the solution to overcome many of the issues that have hampered the food industry caused by excess air in the bag. The company has developed a revolutionary VFFS Air Extraction System (Tight Bag) to tackle excess air in the bag which often leads to bigger boxes resulting in fewer packs per pallet. To get over this challenge many manufacturers will make a hole or micro perforations in the bag, but when the product is stored for long periods this can result in the food becoming tainted.

    • Elias Bittan
    • Product Info
    • English
    • Created 21 Apr 2016
    • Modified 13 May 2016
    • Hits 1359