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Verescence, the world leader in glass bottles for the Perfumery and Cosmetics industry, has been awarded the ‘GOLD’ level, by the environmental rating agency EcoVadis for its social and environmental practices. The ‘GOLD’ level is the highest recognition from EcoVadis.
Verescence ranks among the TOP 1% of the companies assessed by EcoVadis in 2018 across all industry sectors. The group and all of its manufacturing sites located in France, Spain and the USA also obtained the ‘GOLD’ award. This result is a first in the glass packaging industry for Perfumery & Cosmetics.
The rating agency, EcoVadis, specializes in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and assesses more than 50,000 companies on the basis of 21 criteria around four themes: environment, labor and human rights, business ethics and sustainable procurement.
According to Thomas Riou, Verescence’s CEO, “this recognition rewards the efforts of our group and our plants in CSR, an area to which we have been committed for many years. Since pioneering the first eco-designed and recyclable Infinite Glass bottle in 2008, we have continuously worked to improve our practices to set an example as the global leader in our industry.”
Verescence, which has just published its CSR Report focuses its long-term actions on three pillars: People First, Act for Society and Eco Solutions. The group’s CSR strategy, labelled « Glass Made to Last » is based on the 17 objectives set out by the United Nations. The report details both the initiatives carried out but also the objectives for 2020, while positioning itself in a transparent way for the expectations of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative).
With its strong global footprint, the group emphasizes partnerships with local market players in an eco-sustainable approach and is focused on preserving local jobs.
As a responsible employer, Verescence considers it a priority to invest in developing its employees’ skills and expertise though various societal initiatives (supporting glass school, ongoing training…) and to encourage diversity.
To support its clients’ responsible procurement requirements, the group developed, in 2017, the first benchmarking tool for the environmental impact of its products following the method of the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA). Fully committed to eco-responsible luxury products, Verescence will participate in a conference on ‘Sustainable development and value creation’ alongside Guerlain and other partners, on October 2nd during LUXE PACK in Monaco.