Waltersperger News

Europe, France, Switzerland, Beauty, Personal Care, Fragrances, Female Fragrances, Luxury, Primary Packaging, Bottles, Bottles - Glass, Bottles - Fragrance, Glass, Packaging Manufacturing

This bottle was initially created in 2011 in cooperation with our glassmakers. They modeled several shaped by pinching the glass paraison straight from the preform mould. Rei Kawakybo, the brand’s famous creative director, then chose one of the trial bottles, and a finishing mould was developed. The concept: a bottle that should have been discarded according to the high standards of the luxury perfume industry. A bottle that should have never existed.

Europe, France, Switzerland, Beauty, Personal Care, Fragrances, Female Fragrances, Luxury, Primary Packaging, Bottles, Bottles - Glass, Bottles - Fragrance, Glass, Packaging Manufacturing, Packaging Decoration

Waltersperger livre le factice géant de Mon Paris, la nouvelle fragrance féminine de YSL. Le produit est réalisé en full service et la totalité des éléments est produite en France, en Normandie. Le poids élevé du flacon lié à la très haute semelle de verre: 3,4 kg a constitué un véritable exploit pour nos verriers. Il fallait attendre plusieurs minutes que la paraison (goutte de verre en fusion) refroidisse et prenne forme dans les moules. Le capot, en verre pressé, taillé et poli dans nos ateliers, vient coiffer une fausse pompe en laiton usiné produite dans le voisinage. Nous avons effectué le remplissage avec le jus factice procuré par la marque et conditionné l’ensemble dans un emballage individuel dans lequel une mousse thermoformée qui épouse les contours exacts des composants assure une protection à toute épreuve.

Europe, France, Switzerland, Beauty, Personal Care, Fragrances, Female Fragrances, Luxury, Primary Packaging, Bottles, Bottles - Glass, Bottles - Fragrance, Glass, Packaging Manufacturing

The bottle is produced in full service, and all of its elements are manufactured in France, in Normandy. The high weight (3.4kg) of the bottle has been quite a feat for our glassmakers, due to the very thick glass base. Several minutes were needed for the glass to cool down and take its desired shape in the mold. The closure, made of pressed glass, is cut and polished in our workshop. It integrates a brass pump made by local partners. The bottle is filled with factice perfume supplied by the brand, then placed into a box with thermoformed foam that follows it shapes to ensure perfect protection.

  • Marine Silarbi
  • News App
  • English
  • Created 27 Jul 2016
  • Modified 27 Jul 2016
  • Hits 1210