Flexible packaging solutions for when the pressure is on

  • Wapo

Everything in the world is under pressure, and products contained within packaging are even more so. Natural changes in product composition can also facilitate a release of gas in packaging, and require a higher barrier choice in order to protect the product within.

Specialist flexible packaging manufacturer, Wapo, offers a number of solutions that ensure that its packaged products remain intact even when under pressure.

The company's laminated bags provide excellent protection for products such as loose foods, personal care products, and more. Flavours and moisture are retained thanks to the excellent barrier properties of the bags' aluminum composition, ensuring consumers enjoy products that are pretty much the same as when they were filled. These bags are generally vacuum-sealed and aren't subject to pressure variations, making Wapo's laminated bags a simple, effective, and inexpensive solution that's sufficient for many standard products.

For those products that can change in composition over time, any gases produced can ruin the product if it is subjected to pressure changes. Neither commerce agents nor consumers want to purchase a product that is not presented in pristine condition, resulting in lost profits for the brand.

To solve this issue, Wapo offers a line of premium laminated bags that incorporate an ingenious one-way valve into them. This special valve allows gasses that build up within the bag to be released out, ensuring that the bag will not burst from the pressure. Furthermore, the one-way valve does not permit any external gas or moisture from entering into the gag and contaminating the content.

Wapo offers a range of flexible packaging solutions that are ideal for a variety of situations so that your brand's product is never under too much pressure.

See also

  • Jo Webb
  • Product Info
  • English
  • Created 07 Mar 2022
  • Modified 07 Mar 2022
  • Hits 650