Wapo's take on fin seal bags: bigger capacity, same level of protection

  • Wapo

Fin seal bags are generally regarded as simple pouches with a back and bottom seal, traditionally used for snacks. But Wapo likes to push packaging solutions to the limit.

Wapo's innovative techniques allow costumers to add more product in smaller bags with the same level of protection within. The company's fin seal bags are designed to increase the capacity of the bag through a side gusset or center back sealing. For the outer layers, aluminum, metalized aluminum, or EVOH materials can all be used to enhance the barrier's strength and integrity of the food inside the packaging.

These fin seal bags can be used for all sorts of alimentary products, including meat, snacks, tea, coffee and more. Fin seal bags can also be used for pet food or bio-medical products.

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See also

  • Juan Pablo Rueda
  • Product Info
  • English
  • Created 22 Jun 2022
  • Modified 01 Aug 2022
  • Hits 596