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Protection in Transit
Sleeve Wrapping is sometimes referred to as transit wrapping, as the emphasis is on the strength and durability, rather than appearance.
The process works equally as well on trays of cans and bottles, large boxes or print work. It is used to separate products into specific quantities and keep them clean and undamaged during delivery and storage.
Heavy duty polythene is wrapped around the consignment, heated to 180 degrees then cooled, providing a tight, robust pack. The heat treatment does not affect the product inside whatsoever and both ends of the sleeve are left open to allow parcels to be lifted by the wrap.
WePack also provide a more refined variation of sleeve wrapping called shrink sleeving. This is used on individual products to add a tight film, again with open ends, that can be removed via a perforated tear off strip.
Just like its tougher counterpart, shrink sleeving is applied under heat and is ideal for packaging tins and jars of food or beauty products, tamper sealing and binding buy one get one free type offers.