Xuyuan Packaging TechnologyYouTube VideoXuyuan Company VideosXuyuan Packaging Technology commitments to providing optimum shrink packaging solution. To find out what we can offer
Xuyuan Packaging TechnologyProductXYC-080 Cap-Sealing SleeverMachine for cap seal standard. Compact and lightweight design is suitable for different type of conveyor installation.
Xuyuan Packaging TechnologyProductXYC-150 Cap-Sealing SleeverAutomatic Shrinkable Label Inserting Machine
Xuyuan Packaging TechnologyProductXYC-300 Cap-Sealing SleeverMachine for cap seal standard. Compact and lightweight design is suitable for different type of conveyor installation.
Xuyuan Packaging TechnologyProductXYC-600 Cap-Sealing SleeverMachine for cap seal standard. Compact and lightweight design is suitable for different type of conveyor installation.