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MOCON, a leading international provider of instruments and services for testing, measuring and analyzing invisible gases announced today that Karsten Kejlhof has been promoted to vice president of sales and marketing for the company’s package testing and permeation businesses. He was previously vice president of sales and marketing for the company’s package testing products and services segment.
The move is part of MOCON’s ongoing process improvement initiative designed to provide customers with enhanced products and services and to grow its global brand.
“We believe this decision to have common leadership over both these businesses will not only strengthen our market presence, but also provide a cost-effective approach to achieving our sales goals. Consistent messaging and a streamlined interface to common customers within these two business segments is an added benefit,” said Don DeMorett, chief operating officer.
For the past 13 years, Kejlhof also has represented the Dansensor modified atmosphere packaging product line in various sales and marketing capacities. MOCON acquired Dansensor in 2012.
“Karsten brings a wealth of product and market knowledge to his new role. One of his objectives going forward is to ensure that our permeation and package testing sales teams are committed to a high degree of customer focus under a strong, integrated brand,” DeMorett continued.