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    Coca-Cola İçecek joins the palletizing of bottles into carton trays for display

    • AND&OR

    Coca-Cola İçecek has acquired a compact end of line type display to palletize in carton trays. A Line with 10 different bottle formats with a very versatile equipment with a production capacity of 10,000 bottles per hour.

    AND&OR keeps successfully installing its display palletizing systems, both compact and flexible, easy to adapt to different bottle formats, without the need of changing grippers or other parts.

    The integration of several applications in one machine seeks saving costs and space in the factory. Thus the equipment includes a bottle divider, a tray former and a palletizer in only one block.

    The project included the launching and transport of bottles from the existing line to a tray palletizer, dividing the production in two parallel ends of lines.

    • Elias Bittan
    • Product Info
    • English
    • Created 04 Feb 2015
    • Modified 28 Mar 2016
    • Hits 1973