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Thursday, February 11th, Day 2
09:00 - 10:30 - Speaker hosted roundtables
- Neil Blackburne: Achieving seamless integration between insights teams and brand marketing to create a truly holistic consumer engagement strategy
- Jennie Bosson: Capturing and utilising shopper insights for premium products to help develop products more attractive products for the consumer
- Kirsty Nolan: Identifying how shopper insights are best gathered for premium brands to develop specific strategies for engaging consumers in-store
- Harmi Ahluwalia: Spotlighting how to ensure smaller brands can optimize their use of shopper insights by ensuring continued strong communications between marketing and insights departments
10:30 - 11:00 - Morning refreshments
11:00 - 11:30 - Virpi Korhonen – Packaging Specialist - Association of Packaging Technology and Research
Keynote Presentation; Delving into eye-tracking technologies to review the benefits of recording unconscious shopper behaviours
- Appreciating eye-tracking uses real consumers to gather valid insights into shopper trends which focus on unconscious shopper behaviours
- Highlighting the benefits of the system as a way of gauging sub-conscious unbiased, shopper behaviours within a retail environment
- Comparing the cost effectiveness of eye tracking services with traditional market research analysis for smaller brands
- Evaluating the added validation to shopper insights when combining eye tracking technologies with traditional market research services
- Exploring webcam eye tracking as a step towards a stronger focus on online shopper insights, whilst realizing its limitations at the moment
11:30 - 11:45 - Instantly – Spotlight Sponsor
11:45 - 12:15 - Kim Ludlow – Managing Director - mySupermarket UK
Focussing on the online retail shopper environment to open up new data channels for brands to assess their product performances
- Weighing up the percentages of growth of your brand both online and in-store to assess how insights should be distributed
- Comparing shoppers behaviours online to their behaviours in-store to assess if habitual shopping still takes place
- Appreciating the changing behaviour of shoppers and the shift towards shopping online to focus future marketing priorities online
- Addressing the lack of control over online product presentation through retailers to understand how insights can be best applied in this area
- Focussing on whether your product is growing online to identify if more focus is needed on your online channel
12:15 - 13:30 - Lunch and networking
13:30 - 14:00 - Ronan Stafford – Senior Analyst - Canadean
Canadean Case Study; Back to Bricks: how new technology will help grocery retailers and brands better meet consumer needs in-store
14:00 - 14:15 - Amcor – Spotlight Sponsor
14:15 - 14:45 - Jason Winstanley – Senior Insight and Research Manager - Moy Park
Identifying strategies for own label suppliers to help them uncover their own shopper insights to benefit product development
- Appreciating the often limited budget of own-label suppliers when seeking new sources of shopper trends to find how insights can be gathered by affordable means
- Reviewing ways own-label suppliers and retailers can work together to make own-label more appealing to shoppers
- Focussing on the size of the own-label market within the grocery sector to uncover the large potential of improved shopper insights in the area
14:45 - 15:15 - Afternoon break
15:15 - 15:45 - Duygu Keçelioğlu – Market Research & Commercial Intelligence Manager - Coca-Cola İçecek
Power of story telling in customer collaboration
- Importance of connecting dots in story telling
- How CCI use story telling in customer collaboration journey; which tools and technologies are used to understand shopper driven opportunities & how to differentiate with story telling
- How to optimize in-store effectiveness with insight driven plans customer plans
15:45 - 16:15 - Luis Fernandes – Customer and Shopper Director - Campofrio Food Group
Using Shopper Insights to boost a brand relaunch all along the entire path to purchase
- A focus on the relaunch of the brand Justin Bridou
- Using Shopper Insights to transform this Consumer Marketing initiative into a powerful 360º tool
- Focussing on point of sales, understanding the shopper behaviour to overcome the consumption and purchase barriers along the path to purchase
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