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The New South Wales Branch of the Australian Institute of Packaging recently announced that Kevin Hannon MAIP has agreed to be the new Branch Chairman. The AIP National Board would like to take this opportunity to thank William Woo MAIP for all his efforts over the last few years as Chairman and to welcome Kevin to the role.
How long have you been in the packaging industry?
I have been in the packaging industry for just over twenty years, and always in plastics converting roles from sales, technical, engineering - tooling and plant, project management and product design.
What was your first job in the packaging industry?
The very first job I had after finishing my HSC was one of those fill jobs to get some cash during the Christmas break and before the HSC results and University places were announced. At the time, and like many other young people, I didn't know what I wanted to do, so I did this job as an injection moulding machine operator in a small family packaging business in Girraween. I only worked there a very short time, but it gave me a taste of the packaging industry.
Once the University placings came out I followed an Engineering path. I went onto secure a position in a large multinational heavy engineering firm which had me working on several large infrastructure projects in the mechanical /structural engineering fields. After doing this for ten years or so, I then moved back into plastics converting roles and that has kept me intrigued and passionate about plastics and packaging for well over twenty years.
What is your current role in the industry and area of responsibilities?
I am the Business Development Manager - Australia, for Viscount Plastics. I drive the Viscount Plastics group's new product development efforts and ensure that any new opportunities that come into the business get flushed through to reality using the Viscount NPD process.
How are you feeling about taking on the role of NSW Chairman?
I first became involved in the NSW Branch back in 2004. Soon after that I had the role of Vice Chairman, so I guess it was only a matter of time before stepping up to NSW Chairman's role. In the past seven years or so, I have seen many changes and issues come and go in our industry. Today it's no different; every day a different challenge comes along and we all need to be prepared as an industry to be professional in way we respond to those challenges, to ensure we maintain a viable, competitive and sustainable local packaging industry.