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O-I Sydney Site Visit
9 May 2019
170 Andrews Road, Penrith, NSW 2750
AIP Members and Industry Colleagues are invited to visit O-I Sydney facility which has been manufacturing glass containers in Penrith since 1971. Every day, around 4,000,000 beer, wine, spirit and soft drink bottles and food jars roll off the Penrith production lines.
The O-I Sydney plant has a long history of manufacturing glass containers from recycled glass containers. Glass containers manufactured at the O-I Sydney site are stored in a purpose-built warehouse. From there, containers are sent away to breweries, wineries and other beverage and food suppliers.
Today the plant supplies all major users of glass containers in NSW and a number of major customers in both Victoria and Queensland. Two furnaces and six machine lines produce Beer, Food and spirit containers in a variety of colours including – Flint, Amber, Emerald Green, French Green and Antique Green.
The plant is the largest glass container manufacturing plant in Australia. The output exceeds 3.7 million units per day, 23 million units per week, or 1.37 billion per year.
Limited places available. Follow the link (above) to register.