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    Bapco Closures launches a revolutionary ring-pull solution

    • Bapco Closures
    Eating, Drinking, Food, Nuts, Snack Foods, Primary Packaging, Caps, Lids, TE Closure, Dispensing Closures, Spouts, Closure Components, Seals, Flexibles, Foils, Plastic, Metal, Metal - Aluminium

    Two revolutionary all-in-one foil closure solutions for the food industry have been launched through a licence agreement between Bapco Closures, founder of the pioneering BAP® technology and Aptar, a worldwide leader of innovative dispensing closure solutions.

    The new Sim-pull and Trilogy closures both feature proprietary Bonded Aluminium to Plastic (BAP®) Technology, a unique, all-in-one foil to closure solution. The light-weight, sustainable and easy-open solutions also feature built-in tamper evidence and excellent seal integrity.

    The Sim-pull solution has a flip-lid design, allowing consumers to open lids with just one hand, and is suitable for a diverse range of contents, including snack food and granular foods, such as nuts, crackers, baking products and sweeteners. In addition, it features a range of ring-pull types so that manufacturers can tailor the solution to their product specifications.

    The Trilogy is a perfect can-end replacement. It features a two-piece spout and closure solution that is easy to open and reseal, and can be customised according to the marketer's application.

    "These new solutions meet a growing demand for re-sealable closures for on-the-go and at home eating. They are perfect for when consumers want to enjoy a single portion of food and then save the rest for later", says Bapco Closures CEO Stephen Dawson.

    "In addition, the hygienic and secure solutions are particularly suitable for elderly and younger consumers because of their ease of opening."

    Bapco Closures signed a licence agreement with Aptargroup, Inc. in March 2010, allowing the company to manufacture, market and sell the BAP® technology.

    See also

    Bapco Closures scores Australian first with SPC Ardmona launch

    Bapco Closures has launched its first closure in Australia with an 82mm twister created for SPC Ardmona, the country’s leading fruit processing company. The two part injection moulded closure has been applied to Goulburn Valley and SPC fruit products where it has hit shelves of major supermarkets Coles and Woolworths. The closure, with an integrated fused foil laminate, was a perfect fit for the company’s product design and brand development.

    • Innovation
    • English
    • Modified 25 Aug 2015
    • Hits 2567