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    Baralan Introduces Sustainable Versions of Their Standard Packaging

    • Baralan

    Baralan is expanding its sustainable packaging options to include the use of ecological materials. Covering a broad range of standard products usually produced in plastic, the expanded component options significantly increase Baralan’s sustainability-minded packaging portfolio for the beauty and personal care market.

    Baralan's core business has historically utilised glass, which is universally considered to be eco-friendly because of its recyclability. To trully complement glass' sustainability, Baralan remains committed to selecting new materials that have a lower environmental impact and can serve as acceptable alternatives to traditional plastic components. These new product versions - manufactured with ecological materials – will become a new collection of products available to customers, adding to the company’s existing suite of eco-friendly products.

    With this new collection, Baralan is prioritising the importance of waste optimisation by promoting upcycling through use of organic scraps, such as coffee peel and rice. These organic scrap materials will be mixed with virgin plastic, reducing the overall plastic resin content to create a more sustainable solution suitable for manufacturing a wide range of closures in Baralan’s standard collection.

    Items in this collection can also be made with varying percentages of PCR plastic – from 30% to 100% – providing tiered opportunities for upcycling. The varying PCR levels allow brands to maintain their desired level of packaging aesthetics, meeting increased consumer demand for sustainable products.

    Additionally, bio-based materials – produced with a biopolymer derived from renewable resources and natural materials not linked to the food chain – can be utilised to ensure full recyclability.

    Another feature of this collection is the ability to produce black items without using carbon black, which is notoriously challenging to recycle, because the new masterbatch will not be obtained through combustion.

    See also

    • Juan Pablo Rueda
    • Product Info
    • English
    • Created 11 Oct 2022
    • Modified 31 Oct 2022
    • Hits 648