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    We offer you the possibility to stand out during your promotional operations, by offering you exceptional collaborations. We work exclusively with numerous designers of jewellery, leather goods, textiles, etc. and these partnerships enable us to offer you novel, original and atypical operations.

    At Caesars, whether we are sales people, designers, buyers, sourcers or logisticians, we are passionate, curious, original, observers and scouts for good ideas, without ever losing sight of the main goal: developing products which are completely consistent with the DNA of our clients’ brands.

    With a constant eye on trends thanks to our integrated style office and active sourcing, we have all the tools necessary to bring you reactivity and modernity and make a real success of your operations.

    Whether in the sector of cosmetics, spirits or accessories, we work in close collaboration with our team of engineers in our packaging factory. We offer you drafts in the form of models, then, once you have validated the project in that format, we start setting tests, moulds and create prototypes necessary for the development of your containers.

    Caesars was created in 1986 by Thierry Bennaim, following a trip to Las Vegas, staying at the incredible CAESARS PALACE. On his return to France, he named his future business after the hotel. Importers of traditional promotional products at the start, we have developed, over the past 10 years, towards the creation, development and manufacture of unique, tailored gifts that perfectly match the history of our clients’ brands.

    A product should be beautiful…but not only that. It should convey a strong and long-lasting message to the contacts you wish to reach. This is why, at Caesars, we start with the idea of a product and then come to the price. And not the reverse. This allows us, whilst respecting your budgetary imperatives, to offer you a multitude of possibilities for a single operation.

    The CAESARS team is happy to listen and reply to your questions so that we can help you to find success with your various projects. (...)
