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    CAN Packaging News

    Ever since it was founded, CAN PACKAGING has been committed to an environmentally friendly approach aimed at developing non-polluting and recyclable packaging.

    Today, by creating the GREENCAN® concept, we are making over 20 years of research, development and cardboard can production experience available to customers. More than just a can, the GREENCAN® represents our ability to supply unique, innovative and comprehensive packaging solutions, from the creation of the can to its integration into your manufacturing process.

    GREENCAN® packaging has a 92-98% or even greater cardboard content. Cardboard is recyclable and environmentally friendly.

    Our direct cardboard containers make packaging easier. No tray or added film is required. Your product is placed directly in the can, away from air, humidity and light. Because GREENCAN® packaging is rigid, there is no need for outer packaging, and the cans can be palletized directly.

    Environmentally friendly process

    With a recycled cardboard and virgin fibre content of 92-98% or more, GREENCAN® is recycled with cardboard. GREENCAN® protects the environment and helps customers save recycling costs.

    GREENCAN® cans are light in weight, as they use minimum materials.

    With GREENCAN®, we are helping to improve our quality of life by using materials that require renewable and recyclable resources.

    The cardboard pulp is obtained from forests compliant with FSC standards.

    Energy-efficient manufacturing lines and machinery.

    Our production plants are located to allow us to be close to customers in order to guarantee speed, flexibility and optimised costs (storage and transport savings).

    • Marine Silarbi
    • News App
    • English
    • Created 20 Apr 2016
    • Modified 20 Apr 2016
    • Hits 1151