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    Cetis received nomination for the 36th Slovenian Packaging Oscar

    • Cetis
    Europe, Eating, Drinking, Primary Packaging, Secondary Packaging, Flexible Materials, Shows, Associations, Media

    The 36th Slovenian Packaging Oscar

    The goal of the Slovenian Packaging Oscar contest is to assess and award the most successful achievements in the field of various packaging, their parts, prototypes, inventions and improvements. The assessment took place in the context of Pomurski sejem and under the auspices of the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce. The contest included 12 applicants with 15 packaging models. They were assessed by an expert jury composed of Mr Vladimir Pezdirc (Prof. B. Des.) (the chairman) and two other members of the jury, designer Jani Bavčer and Gregor Radonjič (PhD). All the participating products are displayed as part of a special exposition at exhibitions INPAK and AGRA that are taking place simultaneously in Gornja Radgona from 20 - 25 August 2016.

    CETIS develops its own family of packaging solutions in order to show our offer to the buyers: a wide range of different shapes, materials and printing techniques for labels, wraparounds, sleeves and other packaging solutions. We wish to offer our customers efficient packaging solutions, which tell the story of their brand and at the same time enthusiast them for additional, clever solutions that will attract their end-customers' attention.

    Among the solutions that we developed, there is also an innovative, informative and, from a marketing communication point of view, very interesting product, the multilayer water wraparound CETIS, which we applied on a water bottle. The multilayer wraparound that allows us to communicate content on both sides of the label is a perfect option when we wish to provide more information to the customer and/or for sales promotion. For example, we recommend it on soft drink bottles. In fact, part of the inner side of the wraparound contains adhesive labels that can be used for communication purposes, for example for competitions (collecting points for the competition), to collect favourite cartoon characters or for communication support of sponsor activities. Certain parts of the wraparound inner layer can in fact be simply unstuck and stuck again somewhere else thanks to their adhesive properties.

    The expert jury awarded the 36th Slovenian Packaging Oscar to the innovative three-layer barrier bag made from compostable* materials that were developed by the AMBA CO. company from the CETIS Group. This is how they explained their decision: "The coffee packaging, which was developed by the company AMBA CO. represents a new innovative achievement in the search for modern environment-friendly materials. The impermeable bag is composed of three layers that can be composted and that can provide at the same time a maximal protection of the product, high printing quality and appropriate sealing as well as formatting of desired forms. The Amba bag is the result of long years of research for flexible materials that would be suitable for composting* and is as such an important contribution to the protection of our environment."

    • Company News
    • English
    • Modified 14 Oct 2016
    • Hits 1149