Since 1985, Cherng Mei has been the name stands for lip gloss, eye liner, and mascara packaging provider in Taiwan. The company works with many local suppliers to provide them best packaging solution for various cosmetic lines.
Cherng Mei has the advanced knowledge on producing cosmetic packaging in SAN and PETG plastic, and one of the most challenging projects Cherng Mei has accomplished is the thick-walled packaging bottle for lip gloss and mascara made in SAN and PETG material.
It’s not easy to keep the thick-walled component produced in high quality and cost-effective way, but Cherng Mei managed to achieve this task by providing components in good quality that fit in any company’s budget plan.
Companies choose PETG thick-walled component (M382) to fill in product that requires highly compatibility, while some other companies choose SAN thick-walled component (M397, M394) for more price sensitive projects.