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    Australasia's stand out packaging partner.

    Stand out packaging for nearly 100 years

    In the 1920s, Melbourne was not just booming, but modernising.  Air travel was the latest thing, so at Essendon, the city was building its first airport. Down in Geelong, Model T Fords were being assembled at the new Ford Motor Company factory and in South Yarra, the PT Huggins Box Manufacturing company opened.

    Today, that company is Australasia’s stand out packaging partner, with three plants and 620 employees in Melbourne, Sydney and Auckland.

    Vision statement

    To be Australasia's stand out packaging partner.


    Our Mission 

    Client Focus

    The success of our customers by offering the best value for money.

    Market forces

    Constantly anticipating and adjusting to changing market conditions.


    Creating and delivering innovative designs and service that meet or exceed our clients’ expectations.


    Professionalism in all our actions and ethics.

    Total Quality

    Total quality, by continually improving our process to provide the best client service.


    Growth and development of our people, and sharing with them the success of the business.


    Generating profit through our efficiency and productivity.

    Roberts Metal Packaging