The Eterna is a similar shape to the Classico, but features a more intricate swing-stopper, promising a more memorable opening experience.

The Eterna is a similar shape to the Classico, but features a more intricate swing-stopper, promising a more memorable opening experience.


Detailed Description

The Eterna is a similar shape to the Classico, but features a more intricate swing-stopper, promising a more memorable opening experience. Because of this, we offer this bottle, as standard, supplied with the swing-stopper already applied.

The Eterna is available in both 1L & 2L sizes, and like the Classico, features the distinctive reverse taper.

Major MarketBeverages - Alcoholic
Market - SegmentBeverages - Alcoholic
Bottle TypeBottles - Glass. Bottles - Amber. Bottles - Beer


Packaging MaterialsGlass
Shape - Top DownCross Section Circular
Width114 mm
Height263 mm
Weight1280 g


Volume Range1 - 1.99 L
Nominal Volume1000 ml


Neck TypesSwingstopper
  • Mike Webber
  • Product
  • English
  • Created 09 Mar 2018
  • Modified 09 Mar 2018
  • Hits 471