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Ecoplasteam produces EcoAllene, a new and innovative material derived from recycling polylaminates.
Ecoplasteam uses a process to treat the elements of polylaminates PO-AL (plastic-aluminium), to create a third material. This means that it is part of the circular economy, with the most innovative treatment systems for polylaminates.
Ecoplasteam is a company which uses technology, development, and sustainability to implement processes for the end of waste of polylaminates, creating a new material, derived from the recycling process of food and drink containers known as “Tetra Pak”, of which over 1.4 billion are collected just in Italy. Until now, these containers, made up of layers of cellulose, plastic and aluminium, have been disposed of in landfills and incinerators, or partially recycled by separating the three components, at high cost, high energy consumption and low quality of materials.
...However, there is now a way to make them sustainable.
Ecoplasteam has its roots within the processes of the circular economy, and adheres to its philosophy of values and advantages. The system has the advantage that it puts on the market a new material that leads to a different treatment system: from the system of re-using polylaminates, it is shifted to a second cycle of re-use of plastic:
- It turns a polylaminate (PO-AL) into a transformable and reusable material
- It creates a material which is completely workable with technical characteristics comparable to virgin material
- It has characteristics which make it 100% recyclable, and bring it into the cycle of transformation and re-use of plastic.
- It creates a solution to the long-standing problems of separation of polylaminates, turning them to all intents and purposes into a second raw material which is renewable, recyclable and which can return to the market an infinite number of times.
EcoAllene® is a product of recycling, yet it boasts the most important properties of a raw product: consistency and uniformity of supply.