Green Materials Masterclass in San Francisco 2016The 2-day training program compromises a seminar session on leading certification schemes, sustainable ingredients and case studies of brands using green formulations. The seminars are followed by two interactive workshops on formulating with green surfactants and emulsifiers, and reducing environmental impacts.
Sustainable Cosmetics Summit Hong Kong 2016The Asia-Pacific edition of the Sustainable Cosmetics Summit will discuss the future role of ethical labels, green ingredients, and sustainable packaging. Organised by Organic Monitor, the summit will be hosted in Hong Kong on 14-15th November.
Sustainable Cosmetics Summit New York 2016Changing the face of the beauty industry by sustainable development
Sustainable Foods Summit Amsterdam 2016Sustainable ingredients, food waste and marketing developments will be featured in the European edition of the Sustainable Foods Summit.
Sustainable Foods Summit Sao Paulo 2016The 2nd Latin American edition of the Sustainable Foods Summit will focus on sustainable ingredients, food traceability, and tackling food waste.
Sustainable Foods Summit in San Francisco 2016For the sixth consecutive year, the summit will be hosted in San Francisco. This new edition comprises two interactive workshops followed by four dedicated conference sessions. Hosted on 20-22nd January 2016, the summit will bring together key stake-holders involved in sustainability in the food industry.