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    Specialist in food packaging.

    GOPACK has achieved excellent positioning in the Natioanl and International food packaging market, thanks to the company's notable experience and personalised service. This is only possible due to the dynamic structure inherent to small and medium sized companies.
    GOPACK markets : containers CPET, trays polypropylene, containers OPS, trays APET, vacuum bags, film thermosaeling, barrier, evoh, antifog, films pelable, films sealing. News biodegradable containers biodegradable trays for foods, compostable trays for foods, biodegradable cutlery, biodegradable cups.

    GOPACK thanks to the continuing collaboration with our clients and suppliers, we work to achieve the perfect packaging for conserving and presenting a wide range of food products. We are specialised in the Agro Food Industry, including gastronomy, cheese, fresh pasta, fish, frozen products, gamma IV and ready-to-serve.

    The range of containers and trays by GOPACK included the multiple gatronorm in polypropylene injection, biodegradable meat trays, biodegradable supermarkets trays, biodegradable trays for foods.
    Our product meet CEE (HACCP) and American FDA regulations related to contact with food products.


    Our first class quality materials include PP, PS APET,CPET, and protective materials coupled with EVOH, permit the longest shelf life of products with vacuum sealed M.A.P. packaging. We use varius tecnologies when making our containers, trays, including injection and thermoforming, These tecnologies allow GOPACK to offer to offer clients products that adjust better to their packaging needs.