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    Grupo Armando Alvarez

    Grupo Armando Alvarez

    The Grupo Armando Alvarez was founded in 1964 and is the largest Spanish transformer of plastic polyethylene film.

    Leaders in Plastic Packaging

    It consists of a series of top quality companies that complement each other with an extruded volume of some 300,000 tons and a turnover of some 700 million Euros. The Group is now part of a small group of companies that lead the sector in Europe. There is no doubt that its policy of work,  tenacity, and conviction, and above all rigour in each and every one of our operations - key values underlined by the founder of the Group, Armando Alvarez Villanueva, and continued by the current Chief Executive Officer José Ramón Alvarez - is the key to this evolution.

    Looking for the future

    The indissoluble link between the ownership and the company allows a reinvestment policy that acts as a growth mechanism and projects the Group into the future.

    By acquiring resources and technology, encouraging innovation and the development of our human team, and planning a long-term relationship with our clients,, we are laying the foundations for the sustained growth of our turnover and international presence.
