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    Indigo Brands

    Indigo Brands

    Indigo Brands, formerly known as Yardley of London (Africa), has been manufacturing and distributing Yardley cosmetic products in Southern Africa since 1955.

    In 1992 National Brands Limited, an AVI subsidiary, purchased the Yardley business from the UK parent company and grew it into a multi-million Rand entity which led to the formation of a separate company within AVI in July 2003 called Indigo Cosmetics.

    In 1998 National Brands Limited purchased the Yardley trademark for Sub-Saharan Africa as well as the trademark for the Lenthéric house name for the whole of Africa. More recently, the Lenthéric trademark was also purchased for the rest of the world.

    Indigo Brands have also acquired license and manufacturing agreements for world-renowned brands such as Coty, adidas, Nailene, Monteil and Rimmel. Other brands in these licenses include celebrity fragrances such as David Beckham, Antonio Banderas, Celine Dion, Kylie Minogue and Kate Moss.

    Indigo Brands is a marketing driven company, focusing on innovation and brand development. Manufacturing and Research & Development are managed on-site. Indigo Brands is ISO accredited and boasts a five star NOSA rating.


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