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    LCE - Laboratoire de Conditionnement et d'Emballage

    LCE - Laboratoire de Conditionnement et d'Emballage

    LCEsa specialised in packaging sachets for: Cosmetics, Perfumes, Hygiene, Beauty products, Food Products

    A global service :

    • Consulting on sampling modalities
    • Format study according to the content and the method of distribution.
    • Selection of materials and analysis of our client’s decoration.
    • Product packaging (liquids, pastes, powders, objects…) Supply and pasting to insert.
    • Packing to cases or other sorts of grouping.

    For LCEsa, quality is:

    • Rigorous monitoring of our entire production by an internal quality control department, certified ISO 9002 since 1997 and 9001 version 2000 to this day.
    • All bacteriological controls are provided by a certified external laboratory.

    Medium-term Sustainable Development

    We also work with our printing partners to offer our customers flexible packaging components made from biologically cultivated and biodegradable materials, while still ensuring good barrier performance and usability.


    Aware of the growing importance of respecting the environment, we have voluntarily and conscientiously committed ourselves to a collective approach in the management of wastes since April 2004.

    Associated with regional businesses in the program « CARROS Indus’TRI », we can take on :

    • Regulation issues : Orienting and valorising wastes towards appropriate channels for reuse and recycling…
    • Economic issues : Taking waste into account internally, sharing economic and technical means…
    • Environmental issues :Preservation of natural resources, raising consciousness in personnel, moral commitment regarding the protection of the environment…
    • Collective issues : Partage des expériences, échange d’informations.
    • Company image issues :Reinforcing our image vis-à-vis to our customers and our partners within the Industrial District and the County.


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