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    Leca Graphics

    Leca Graphics

    Since it was created in 1996, Leca Graphics has been specialized in sectors with a high added value, acquiring a differential know-how in relation to its competence, and consolidating as a leading company in the sector.


    Leca Graphics is the folding carton boxes division of Lantero Group.

    Since it was created in 1966, Leca Graphics has been specialized in sectors with a high added value, having acquired a differential know-how in relation to the competence, and consolidating as a leading company in the sector. After approximately 50 years of history full of success, Leca Graphics is considered a leading company in its sector.

    It has two production plants in Madrid, two in Barcelona and one in Casablanca, with a turnover of approximately 50 million Euros and a staff of approximately 300 employees.

    As a part of Lantero Group with industrial vocation, it has a great financial strength and stability.

    The clear customer orientation in Leca Graphics is based on its great human team, who understands service as an impeccable supply around 3 main pillars:

    • Liability and commitment as far as the strict fulfilling of deadlines, quantities and qualities is concerned.
    • Flexibility and adaptability to the customers’ needs concerning technical requirements and special services.
    • Capacity of immediate response in exceptional circumstances for the customers.


    It is amazing to stop for a moment in the path walked since the year that Cartonajes Leca was acquired by Lantero Group and to see the enormous change which took place until getting to Leca Graphics, our current company group which consists of 5 plants in Madrid, Barcelona and Casablanca.

    This development is not only related to our size, but also to our mindset, since markets are becoming more and more demanding and nothing is enough. We have to reinvent ourselves everyday and to offer the most appropriate products for every need. We manufacture them with cutting-edge technology and great attention to the details and we are pioneers and innovate constantly.

    Our I4P (Innovation for Packaging) represents our challenge and self-improvement spirit and the excitement of being pioneers. This is what leads the enthusiastic team of Leca Graphics. Thinking of the future, I am totally convinced that our achievements are going to be even greater.
