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    Maquiladora Grafica Mexicana

    Maquiladora Grafica Mexicana

    We produce boxes, rigid boxes, high quality printings, labels, bags, nameplates, gaskets, and fulfillment services.

    We are located in Tijuana and Guadalajara, México and provide services globally in highly demanding environment markets such as: Wine, Jewerly, Electronic, Automotive, Telecommunications, Systems, Appliances, Industrial, and Medical, among others.

    Quality Certifications: ISO 9001-2008 Certification TS 16949 Around 400 UL material constructions CSA material constructions Rohs compliant material and VDA 8.3.

    Our services include: VMI, JIT, KANBAN, INPLANT, MAT, HVLM & LVHM, EDI, IMMEX, International shipping World Wide ­­


    To serve our customers, facilitating communication through printing and quality services, meeting their expectations ensuring company growth and development of our staff.



    Welfare: be a profitable company that generates resources and utilities, providing welfare to its partners, employees, customers and suppliers.

    Simplicity and strength: Being a company with a lighter administrative system where bureaucracy is minimized.

    Leadership: Achieve leadership in the field to inspire others to follow our work patterns.


    • Significance
    • Continuous Improvement
    • Treatment and human accent
    • Quality training to our staff
    • Service spirit and enthusiasm
    • Development of production chains
    • Opening of strategic alliances
    • Business Vision
    Roberts Metal Packaging