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MJS Packaging has introduced a new line of 15MM child-resistant dispensing tip closures. This closure passes the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission's (CPSC) new requirement for child-resistant packaging on products containing imidazolines (vasoconstrictor drugs).
It should be noted that all prescription and over-the-counter medications with 0.08mg or more of imidazolines will be impacted. These include naphazoline hydrochloride (HCL), naphazoline HCL combination products, tetrahydrozoline HCL, oxymetazoline HCL, and xylometazonline. This closure is designed to work with various stock bottle and tip combinations. Samples are available by contacting the company.
A major packaging distributor founded in 1885, MJS Packaging also operates Sprayco, a consumer products division, Packaging Consultants Group, a rigid packaging distributor in the Northeast specializing in pharmaceutical packaging components, and Dye Packaging, a recently acquired rigid packaging distributor in the Southeast.