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    Moorim Paper

    Moorim Paper

    MOORIM PAPER CO., LTD. focuses in the manufacture of paper products.

    Moorim Group has led the Korean paper manufacturing industry with its advanced technology and high quality products.

    Shinmoorim Paper has the latest equipment based on which it has established a production system with an annual capacity of 470,000 tons, and Moorim Paper, the mother company of Shinmoorim, specializes in high value-added specialty paper. Having created a global management environment, Moorim Group is competing with the advanced paper manufacturing companies in the world.

    In the 21st century the business environment is changing rapidly day by day. Moorim Group tries to keep abreast with the changes and continues to innovate itself to be a global leader in the world paper market. As a key player in the market, Moorim Group also strives to help the paper industry flourish.

    Moorim Group has focused on providing high-quality products and service to meet the customer's needs. We believe that by doing so, paper will bring happiness and open up the future for human beings. In this cyber world of Moorim Group's, we are using practical and distinctive design and contents to communicate with customers and form an open community.

    Paper is a precious part of the human cultural heritage and has long played an important role in the history of mankind. Moorim Group will share the happiness and the future that paper brings with customers, shareholders, employees, local residents and all netizens who love paper.

    Once again, we extend a warm welcome to our website. Please explore the site and see, both online and offline, how Moorim Group is progressing toward joining the ranks of the Global Top 10 paper manufacturers.


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