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    Welcome to OxySense®, the leading source of non-invasive oxygen measurement systems and permeation testing solutions for packers and processors worldwide. OxySense optical oxygen analyzers, oxygen permeation measurement/OTR system and oxygen measurement accessories serve the needs of packaging labs, packaging quality control labs, processors and packagers.

    OxySense, Inc. is the international leader in optical oxygen sensor systems for the packaging, packing and processing industries. The OxySense innovative optical sensing systems can be found in the research labs and on the production floors of many of the world's most progressive companies.

    • OxySense lab systems provide an all-in-one solution for permeation testing (both film and finished packages), shelf life studies, headspace analysis, dissolved oxygen studies, and closure and scavenger characterization.
    • OxySense portable systems are the solution for when you want to take the lab to work. The ideal tool for production floor and field testing.
    • OxySense process monitoring and control systems are the solution for batch, continuous and flow oxygen monitoring requirements. All OxySense Oxygen Analyzers fully comply with the ASTM standard F2714-08.

    The OxySense oxygen measurement system is unique not only for its ability to measure oxygen non-invasively, but also for its ability to measure oxygen in headspace as well as dissolved in liquids. It is an optical system that can measure oxygen concentration within packages that are transparent, semi-transparent, and translucent; and as long as the packaging material can transmit blue and red light (at approximately 470nm and 610nm respectively), oxygen measurements can be made. Our oxygen analyzers comply with the ASTM standard F2714-08.

    SR Packaging