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During 8-12 June 2015, Customers are warmly invited to visit the companies and can expect to see:
At PackSys Global AG
- PackSys Global facilities
- CTS 125 that produces cosmetic laminate tubes wiht 360º printed appearance
- Mini 120 line specialized for small diameter laminate tubes
- MSM slitting/folding plastic cap machine; multiple molds feeding one machine
At Combitool AG
- Combitool facilities
- CSM tube header
- Laminate tube production line with BLM body maker that produces high quality cosmetic laminate tubes
At Texa AG
- Texa facilities
- BT2200 ASV for aluminum, laminate or plastic tubes
- BSBT2300 for aerosol cans, bottles with different apertures and tablet tubes
Madag Printing Systems AG will also be opening their doors, although there will be no machine demonstrations available at this time.