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    PETnology News

    North America, USA, US - The South, Eating, Drinking, Active, Smart Packaging, Sustainable Packaging, Plastic, Recycling, Shows, Associations, Media, Packaging Trade Shows, Events

    Improving the plastics lifecycle and introducing new recycling technologies were the focal points of this year’s PETnology Americas conference held earlier this month in Atlanta.

    CARBIOS, a green chemistry company in industrial development stage, discussed its work on discovering and developing enzymatic bioprocesses to reinvent the lifecycle of plastics.

    According to Martin Stephan, deputy CEO of CARBIOS, the company’s processes use enzymes produced by natural micro-organisms, selected for their ability to degrade plastic polymers. Three innovative bioprocesses are under development at the company. They include a new generation of fully biodegradable plastics with a controlled lifespan, infinite biorecycling of plastic waste enabling the production of new plastics of the same quality as the original product and biopolymer production through a new biological pathway.

    KOKSAN has developed a micro filtration method that will improve the quality of recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET). The end result is minimal color distortion and improved the suitability for use in food contact packaging.

    “With 8 million tons of plastic entering the ocean each year, we urgently need to rethink the way we make, use and reuse. This new PET micro-filtration process will make it possible to filter particles as small as 5 micron,” Hanna Begelman Sevsay, market development and Americas export manager of KOKSAN.

    Also making providing their viewpoint on sustainability and recycled content material were speakers from Nestle and PepsiCo.

    “We need to expand our engagement initiatives to increase recycling, reduce litter and promote a circular economy, said Valeria Orozco, director, sustainability, Nestlé Waters North America.

    PepsiCo CEO Ramon Lagurata’s vision states that the “most important priorities are leading with purpose, driving sustainable growth and reducing our environmental footprint.”

    The next PETnology Americas’ conference will take place May 12-13, 2020 in Atlanta.

    • Jo Webb
    • News App
    • English
    • Created 31 May 2019
    • Modified 31 May 2019
    • Hits 577