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    Heart shaped PET container wins first prize at ANDINAPACK 09

    • Petpack
    South America, The Andes, Colombia, Eating, Drinking, Food, Candies, Sweets, Primary Packaging, Secondary Packaging, Labels, Reusable Packaging, Cross Section Heart, Plastic, Plastic - PET, Packaging Decoration, Colouring, Recycling, 500 - 999.99 ml

    Last November the winners of the PACK ANDINA 09 were announced during the ANDINAPACK fair in Colombia. One of the winners in this renowned contest was the heart shaped container, ‘PET Corazón’, made by PETPACK S.A. in the city of Medellin.

    This container can be used for a wide range of products such as sweets, underwear or accessories for kids just by changing its colour and labels. It’s a great tool for PETPACK to promote their brand since the WOW factor of the product sticks in people’s minds.
    This is a high value added container that can also be reused as a decorative item, since the company can launch a whole set of motifs to trigger the consumer’s desire to collect them. In other words, the consumer wants to keep buying them.

    The volume of the container is 620 ml with a 63mm rim.

    Possible uses:

    • Food and Beverage
    • Cosmetics and Perfume
    • Hygiene and Cleaning
    • Pharmaceutical and Medicines

    “This container is suitable for the local market but it can also be exported, its rigid material protects the product inside” says Juliana Escobar, head of design and development at PETPACK S.A. It can be used to target both young adolescent women and children. ‘PET Corazón’ has been made using preformed injection and two stage blow moulding with a cap also made using injection.

    • Company News
    • English
    • Modified 02 Oct 2015
    • Hits 1211