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    Piccoli Plast Catalog

    Piccoli Plast is a plastic bottle manufacturer specialized in the production of plastic containers of different sizes, shapes and capacities, ranging from a minimum of 10 cc to a maximum of 200 litres, as well as of custom plastic bottles tailored to the customer needs:

    • household items;
    • toys;
    • parts for household electrical appliances;
    • custom technical articles;
    • jars and bottles for packaging such as plastic containers for foods and other types of packaging;
    • in-liner with no weld joints on the circumference, for the coating of buckets or removable cover barrels;
    • tanks of 15 litres in LDPE with screw cap for different applications.

    The decades of experience of Piccoli Plast in manufacturing plastic pots allows the company to meet very quickly the needs of customers, offering also the ability to customize the products according to specific needs. Piccoli Plast's plastic containers for food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and chemicals are now chosen by many companies who appreciate the quality of work, the materials used and the attention paid to the customers.

    • Valentina Rizzi
    • Catalog & Specs
    • English
    • Created 13 Jan 2016
    • Modified 08 Jun 2018
    • Hits 1054