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Headquartered in Bolingbrook, Illinois, Pres-On is a state-of-the-art, family-owned manufacturing company that is continuously innovating and adapting our services to best fit our customers’ needs.
When Henry L. Gianatasio founded Pres-On in 1949, he was adamant about three things: making quality products that fill a need, offering solutions that help businesses make better products, and providing truly exceptional customer service. For over 60 years, we have been committed to living our founder’s vision everyday.
More than just a traditional converter, Pres-On is a full-service manufacturer with the capability to take materials from the adhesive coating stage all the way through to converting and finished part processes. No more “middleman.” All of our jobs are coated and converted to order. Pres-On customers receive the latest advances in adhesive technology on their products.
Pres-On utilizes an advanced, proprietary wet-coating process to apply adhesive to carrier materials, resulting in products that provide superior bonding properties. Our coater utilizes heated, liquid adhesive to evenly and completely fill every peak and valley of a material’s surface. Depending on the material’s porosity, we layer on additional adhesive — totaling 3.0 mils max — to achieve maximum adhesive anchorage. Pres-On’s wet-coating process also achieves optimal adhesive anchorage for new, thinner, cost-effective materials as they continue to hit the market.