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Alpha Packaging's custom bottle for Senproco's Green Groom line

Pet/Animal Care, Pet/Animal Grooming, Primary Packaging, Bottles, Bottles - Plastic, Bottles - Plastic PET, Active, Smart Packaging, Sustainable Packaging, High PCR Content Packaging, Packaging Decoration, Pad Printing, Tampography, Recycling

Senproco manufactures the Green Groom line of safe, natural and biodegradable pet grooming products. Because all nine products are environmentally friendly, Senproco also wanted its packaging to make the smallest impact possible on the environment. Working with TricorBraun, Senproco chose Alpha Packaging to manufacture a custom bottle and selected Technigraph to provide print design and decoration.

One reason Senproco selected Alpha was because Alpha could make the custom bottles using 100% recycled (post-consumer) PET, which helped Senproco meet its sustainability goals. Alpha also helped Senproco meet its budgetary goals by using an existing PET preform to create the custom 16 oz. pinch-waist cylinder. Dramatically less costly than a brand new tool, Alpha built the custom blow set in about eight weeks from receiving design approval.

Distinctive differentiation

Senproco also wanted a distinctive graphic to differentiate its brand, but didn’t want to compromise its Earth-friendly bottle with pressure-sensitive labels that require a lot of glue or other surface treatments that are bad for the environment. It chose Alpha’s Technigraph division for its proprietary Eco-Frost™ spray frost and environmentally-friendly UV screen printing.

To give the Green Groom line a truly unique look and emphasize the bottle’s custom curves, Technigraph spray coated the waist of the bottle with a vibrant green color and applied a three color screen print with half tone accents for the copy and brand icon.

See also

High-Performing Packaging for Liquid Lines

Pretium's 2-stage PET rounds are a high-performance packaging solution for liquid lines. These rounds are manufactured in Cleveland, Ohio, and use approximately 20% less plastic than other versions. Thanks to superior wall distribution, decoration options like labeling are available. You can choose from a variety of colors, including black, clear, cobalt blue, dark green, light, amber, and white. The PET rounds come in different sizes ranging from 125ml to 473ml (4oz - 16oz), and they are available with neck finishes of 24-410 and 28-410.

  • Brand Launch
  • English
  • Modified 19 Aug 2019
  • Hits 1343