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Alpha Packaging operates eight bottle manufacturing locations across North America and one in Europe, providing plastic bottles and jars to industries critical to the fight against COVID-19. We support the health, hygiene and wellness industries with FDA-approved packaging for soaps and sanitizers, nutritional supplements, pharmaceuticals, household cleaning products, and food & beverages. We take our role very seriously in the fight against COVID-19 and we are dedicated to maintaining supply to our customers at this critical point in time.
As shelter-in-place orders take effect in states and cities across the continent, we want to assure you that at the time of this publication, Alpha meets the federal definition of essential business as defined by the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce memorandum issued by the Department of Homeland Security under the categories of Healthcare / Public Health, Food and Agriculture, and Transportation and Logistics.
As an essential manufacturer, Alpha has aligned our workforce to meet the unprecedented demands in critical infrastructure facing healthcare professionals, first responders, grocery stores, pharmacies and industrial cleaning services. We are meeting this challenge while also taking every precaution to protect our operations associates by requiring non-manufacturing services to be conducted off-site. By reducing the density of our on-site workforce, maintaining hygiene at the plants, implementing CDC-recommended precautions and providing essential employees with documentation that allows them to travel to and from work without interruption.
Alpha is 100% committed to protecting our workers, providing outstanding quality and service to customers and being a good partner to your organization during these challenging times.