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Safta (Gualapack Group)
Safta is an established and reputable Italian converter of flexible packaging, well-known for the quality of its multi-layer laminates and for its tailor-made packaging solutions.
Safta employs more than 370 people at its plant located in Piacenza (60 km South of Milan). Here flexible packaging harnesses the most up-to-date and modern technologies and processes to manufacture the most sophisticated laminates for the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical markets.
Safta’s mission is focused on delivering the best packaging solution to meet even the most specific needs of its customers and underpins the Company’s commitment to constantly upgrading the quality and value of its products and services.
In 2002 Safta became part of the Guala Group, a holding of companies all engaged in the packaging industry.
The quality of a product it's not only related to its final outcome, it depends by everything happened before too. Safta S.p.a. adopted from years various Certificated Management System with the aim of keeping constantly controlled the organisation of every production's aspects and guarantee the better industry's qualitative standard.
Safta's Management Systems are submitted to certification from indipendent and qualified Certification Authority that verify with periodic audits their conformity regarding compulsory and volontary regulations.
- QUALITY (Sistema di gestione per la Qualità UNI EN ISO 9001:08)
- ENVIRONMENT (Sistema di gestione Ambientale UNI EN ISO 14001:04)
- BRC-IoP Global Standard For Packaging and Packaging Materials
- Quality, Safety, Hygiene and Environmental Protection Policy
- British Standard OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series)