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    SAP - Saint André Plastique

    SAP - Saint André Plastique

    Saint André Plastique offers you its expertise which is well known in the areas of extrusion, pre-press, printing, perforation and bag making.

    Since our creation we have listened to your requests and we are still at your service to satisfy your packaging needs and to carry out your projects.

    The staff and management of Saint André Plastique are committed to using all their expertise in the realization of your requests.

    Saint André Plastique offers you its expertise which is well known in the areas of extrusion, pre-press, printing, perforation and bag making.

    We are committed also to research and have designed and/or developed products which meet the needs of your customers especially SAP’FRESH and COOK’IN SAP.

    The development of client’s requirements and the plurality of their demands oblige you and us to be more competitive and responsive.

    In order to meet customers’ needs efficiently, we would like to create and develop with you, a real partnership so as to meet perfectly the market needs.

    Our concern is to give satisfaction and provide packaging solutions in all areas. For this, we have worked hard, to become experts in all areas of our business.

    Being a specialist means that we develop the skills of our employees, that we use the latest materials and high tech equipment and continually develop the quality of our products.

    An important key to the success of your packaging is our expertise in the whole manufacturing chain and so we have included our pre-press here.

    SAP has participated actively in “sustainable development” since 2007 and is involved in “Lower Normandy Circles” of sustainable development so that together industry can move towards the most responsible solutions.

    We would like through this website to introduce you to all our areas of expertise, however we are also entirely at your disposal to meet your specific requirements.
