Two new cream jars from SHB

  • SHB Packaging

SHB, the market leader in bottle design and stock tooling, has developed two new series of cream jars to add to its ample range of products.  Both the NDVE and MFT lines are available in several sizes now, and the company will be releasing still more size options as the lines draw attention.

The NDVE jars are clearly differentiated on the shelf thanks to their large diameter of 98mm, intended for creams that require easy stacking and a good surface area for simplified application of thick products. The MFT jars are a more standard 77mm in diameter, and can hold the perfect amount of cream or gels.

Currently, the MFT series features volumes of 100ml, 150ml and 250ml, with more options (200ml and 300ml) to be released before the end of the year. The NDVE series comes in a 150ml volume, with plans to release new options of 100ml, 200ml, 250ml, 300ml, and 500ml as the line picks up speed in the personal care and cosmetic markets.

Both lines can be decorated with any of SHB's standard options, such as custom colouring, hotstamping, screen printing, and more.

See also

SHB adds the new Roll-On G to its ample range of roll-on products

SHB already has a wide range of roll-on bottles and overcaps available, but has recently added a new item to the line: the practical Roll-On G. The new bottle is a bit of a departure from the standard roll-on products produced by the company, as it's designed to be stored upside down. Eye-catching on the shelf of the pharmacy and eminently practical (it keeps the roller ball from drying out) the new roll-on is bound to cause a splash.

  • Elias Bittan
  • Product Info
  • English
  • Created 26 Sep 2011
  • Modified 10 Sep 2015
  • Hits 867