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    Sp-Berner launches the project talent development

    • Sp-Berner
    Plastic, Tooling, Mold Making

    Sp-Berner, leading manufacturing company of plastics injection and thermoforming, has launched the project "Development of talent". An initiative that aims to select recent graduated engineers  - or in the final year of degree - in the branch of industrial organization and industrial technologies.

    The first phase will begin on November 16th with the selection of candidates who submitt their CV to [email protected]. After this phase, the company will select those profiles that best meet the job requirements, personally contacting them for interviews throughout the 19th November.

    Successful candidates will be part of a specific training program to perform various technical positions in the areas of production and tooling, with important and professional development adapted to their capacities.

    Through this project, Sp-Berner offers new opportunities to young talents from the technical field in order to incorporate them into a solid project with over 51 years experience in the plastic sector.

    • Company News
    • English
    • Modified 08 Apr 2016
    • Hits 1006