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ThePackHub is a packaging innovation consultancy that brings together experience and passion to deliver packaging solutions to brand owners, retailers and packaging suppliers. We understand the packaging innovation world – the industry drivers, the packaging trends and consumer insights that help inform the packaging innovation process.
We offer a range of services to help you meet your packaging innovation needs.
We help brand owners, retailers, packaging suppliers and creative agencies with their packaging requirements. We can help you along the whole packaging innovation process, so whether it's fresh consumer insight, idea generation, concept development, technical support, feasibility or implementation, we can make your packaging innovation happen at every stage along the way.
At ThePackHub, we host a range of popular packaging events.
We run monthly networking meetings in Pall Mall, London and Grantham, Lincs. These events give packaging professionals the perfect opportunity to network and mingle as well as stay up to speed with the very latest developments in packaging.