June 2019 will see Toly Group opening a new manufacturing factory in Malta, with an investment of €20 million.
Toly has been manufacturing make-up packaging in Malta since 1971, being the first to launch operations from the Bulebel Industrial Zone. The company employs over 1000 employees worldwide, of which 350 work from Malta.
During the Toly Annual Sales Conference, this year held at Hotel Phoencia, Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne explained that the Maltese Government welcomes and supports such investment.
“Manufacturing remains an important pillar, and Toly is one of the companies who having started 50 years ago and are still registering growth. Through an investment of €20 million and the company’s large workforce, Toly shares in Malta’s success”
Also present at the Toly Sales Conference was Malta Enterprise Chairman William Wait, who stated that his agency needs to guarantee that whilst efforts are done to attract new investment to Malta, support needs to be assured to those companies who have been here for a long time.
Article appearing on news portal ONE.com on 25/01/19 relating to the opening of Toly's new factory and the 2019 Sales Conference
See here for article: http://www.one.com.mt/news/2019/01/25/il-kumpanija-toly-se-tiftah-fabbrika-gdida-fmalta/