We are happy to announce that Toly Products Ltd. has been awarded a GOLD rating in the 2021 Ecovadis Sustainability Rating. Our score of 68, places in the top 5% of organisations overall and in the top 2% of organisations in the beauty industry.
Ecovadis is a universally recognised sustainability rating, that encompasses more than 75,000 organisations in over 160 countries and in over 200 industries. This award recognises the effort and advances Toly Products has achieved in the areas of Environmental impact, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement.
As part of our sustainability initiatives, we have focused on reducing emissions through investing in more efficient production processes. We are committed to replace all our hydraulic injection moulding machines with fully electric machines and photovoltaic panels that will generate 400KW/h of energy or approximately 20% of our total demand.
On the product side we have launched our sustainable design guidelines that coupled with materials that are either recyclable, contain recycled content, are bio-based or biodegradable allowing us to reduce the impact of product offering.
These actions are driven by our core purpose as a group which is to leave a positive impact on everybody and everything we touch. We want to leave the world in a better place for future generations.