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    ULMA Packaging wraps up Mini Cheese Sensations

    • ULMA Packaging
    Europe, Eating, Drinking, Food, Cheeses, Primary Packaging, Wrapping, Contract Packaging, Packing, Modified Atmosphere Packaging, Shows, Associations, Media

    An award-winning UK food company has launched a new range of mini portions of its delicious selection of cheeses with the help of customised, high-speed wrapping technology developed by ULMA Packaging Ltd, one of the country’s leading suppliers of packaging machinery and complete automated lines.

    Bradburys Cheese, renowned for sourcing and providing customers with speciality and convenience cheese from some of the best cheese makers in the UK and Europe, chose ULMA over a competitor to supply the high-speed flowrapping technology at its Buxton facility to help the company break into new markets with mini portions of the products it supplies.

    ULMA, which prides itself on being part of a co-operative committed to the global packaging machinery marketplace, recommended the Artic flowrapper with complete modified atmosphere (MAP) to provide enhanced presentation and extended shelf life - ideal for cheese products.

    Working closely with Bradburys’ technical team, ULMA then adapted the Artic flowrapper and integrated it with other suppliers’ cutting equipment, to provide a flexible production line operating at the high-speeds demanded by the customer, as well as accommodate retail packs with the minimum of fuss and downtime.

    The Artic’s new long dwell sealing head is characterised by an oval motion profile in the jaw, which ensures packs have perfectly hermetic seals at high production speeds. This machine, with its state-of-the-art electronic technology, was then modified by ULMA to meet the customer’s exact specification for handling the cheese portions and retail packs.

    ULMA Business Manager, Paul McMahon, said: “More food companies are looking to combine ULMA’s expertise and knowledge with the latest in packaging technology. We have a ‘can do’ attitude as well as equipment that is designed with efficiency in mind for fresh food. Our close collaboration with Bradburys ensured a quality finished product.”

    Not just known for its ability to supply all-round packaging solutions, ULMA offers a full after sales support service giving its customers peace of mind that production lines can be maintained effectively and businesses run smoothly and efficiently. An approved supplier to multiple retailers and small businesses alike, ULMA has the biggest range of solutions available anywhere in the UK and is leading the way for innovative, efficient and robust packaging equipment.

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    • Brand Launch
    • English
    • Modified 22 Jun 2017
    • Hits 1125